Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №4 (76)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Post-industrialism and its essential characteristics
Author:Fedorova N. E., SHEI Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of the following methods: abstraction – in determining the essence of the category «post-industrialism»; logical and historical – in the study of the evolution of theoretical concepts of post-industrialism; method of classifications – when summarizing all available definitions of this category into groups; general and special – in establishing the unity of existing definitions of post-industrialism. Results. It is established that against the background of a large number of definitions of postindustrialism there is no established understanding of it in the scientific literature. Thus, postindustrialism is interpreted by scientists as a certain type of society, its new order or system, as a certain phase of its development, its state, structure, as change or evolution, and there is an interpretation of this category as a certain theory, idea, process, etc. It has been proved that postindustrialism should be interpreted in terms of a new phase of socio-economic development of society, which consists in building a social system qualitatively different from industrialism, or a new social organization formed under the influence of the fourth information revolution. It has been found that the definition of post-industrialism can synthesize such its essential components as «stage, phase of development» and «new order, a new organization of society». The need to implement a threecomponent approach to the definition of this category is indicated. Novelty. There was provided an essential characteristic of post-industrialism as a new phase of social development, implemented as a socio-economic organization of society, where under the influence of science, knowledge, and information dominates the tertiary sector of production or services sphere. As a result, the main value of society becomes human capital (as opposed to land or production and finance) and the knowledge, information, and spirituality produced by it. Practical value. Proper categorical design of the concept of post-industrialism, i.e. defining its essence, characteristics, and forms of manifestation opens up prospects for a deeper understanding of its features as an environment where the whole complex of socio-economic relations of society at the present stage of its development. 
Keywords:Industrialism, Post-industrialism, Post-industrial society, Post-industrial economy, Socio-economic development of society
File of the article:EV20214_009-017.pdf
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