Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №4 (76)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Ukraine’s export potential and its implementation in trade and economic relations with eu countries
Authors:Savchenko M. V., Vаsyl Stus Donetsk Nаtіonаl Unіversіty,
Khadzhynov I. V., Vаsyl Stus Donetsk Nаtіonаl Unіversіty,
Zavydovska A. O., Vаsyl Stus Donetsk Nаtіonаl Unіversіty
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained using a system of methods: method of logical analysis made it possible to build the logic of the study; structural analysis, grouping, decomposition and formalization made it possible to substantiate the sequence of stages in the implementation of the methodological approach to assessing the level of development of trade and economic relations; methods of statistical analysis were used to assess the dynamics of indicators of the influence of foreign markets; graphic method made it possible to visualize the results of the study. Results. The authors of the article substantiated practical recommendations regarding the implementation of the export potential in the trade and economic relations of Ukraine with the EU countries. A detailed description of the dynamics of the volume of exports and imports of goods in value terms between Ukraine and the EU was considered. To analyze the processes of activation of trade and economic relations in the aspect of the European integration processes of development of the Ukrainian state, the dynamics of the share of foreign trade turnover with the EU countries was studied. The dynamics of trade in services between Ukraine and the EU is analyzed. To calculate the degree of development of trade and economic relations of countries, the calculation of an integral index based on relative indicators is proposed. It is substantiated that this method makes it possible to classify the countries of the EU and Ukraine according to the degree of development of trade and economic relations. On the basis of the obtained results, a radar of the degree of development of trade and economic relations between the EU countries and Ukraine was built. The general tendencies of trade and economic relations of Ukraine with the EU countries are highlighted and it is determined that the foreign economic activity of Ukraine with the EU countries has a great potential for development. Based on the analysis, proposals were made to improve the export potential in Ukraine's trade and economic relations with the EU countries. Novelty. A set of measures is proposed to realize the export potential of Ukraine in trade and economic relations with the EU countries, in particular, a scientific and methodological approach is proposed for calculating the integral index of the development of trade and economic relations of countries, which allows classifying countries according to the degree of development; recommendations were given on the development of the export potential of Ukraine with the EU countries. Practical value lies in the possibility of using the developed methodological framework to assess the degree of development of trade and economic relations not only with European countries, but also with other countries of the world. 
Keywords:Potential, Trade and economic relations, EU, Export, Foreign economic activity
File of the article:EV20214_089-098.pdf
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