Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №4 (76)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Management of innovative potential of Ukrainian industrial enterprises
Authors:Shvets V. Ya., Dnipro University of Technology,
Dubiei Yu. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists associated with the definition of the essence, the role of the innovative potential of the enterprise, its structural components, with the methods of effective management of them and the study of materials of specialized scientific conferences and symposia. In the study, the following methods were used: grouping – in the formation of the content of the elements of the management system of the innovative potential of the industrial enterprise; structural and logical – in the determining the complex of indicators to assess the innovative potential of the enterprise (general and private); analysis and synthesis – to substantiate recommendations on the development of the regulatory model of innovative potential, which is determined by the system of inequalities, and associates the overall indicators and their limitations. Results. The role and levels of innovative potential are studied, which makes it possible to formulate development strategies and its components. According to the assessment results, activities were proposed based on development strategies that will increase the efficiency of innovative development of the enterprise. The general structure of the innovative potential of the enterprise in the form of a system of components is given: research, intellectual, financial, production and technical, organizational and marketing and marketing component. The process of managing innovative potential is considered. Its main features are proposed to be enhanced with the formation of a regulatory model to determine the sufficiency of the innovative potential of an industrial enterprise, it is also proposed to analyzing the inconsistencies of actual and regulatory parameters, which will analyze the company's ability to accept innovative solutions and become a measure of managerial success. Novelty. The scientific originality of the research results is the clarification of the methodology for assessing the level of the existing innovative potential of industrial enterprises to effectively manage it in the short term and to ensure the development strategy in the long term. Practical value. The practical value of the results obtained is to form a comprehensive system for assessing the innovative potential of industrial enterprises in order to manage it effectively. 
Keywords:Innovative potential, Management, Innovative development of the enterprise, Development strategy, Industrial enterprise
File of the article:EV20214_106-113.pdf
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