Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №4 (76)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Algorithm for constructing an integral indicator of financial security of an enterprise using a fuzzy-logical approach
Authors:Myachin V. H., Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,
Stovpnyk O. V., Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,
Karpenko V. A., Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology,
Miroshnichenko O. V., Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
Annotation:Methods. The methodological basis of the research is the scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists and leading experts in the field of financial analysis and modeling of economic processes, as well as statistical and financial reporting data that are publicly available. To construct an integral indicator of the financial security of an enterprise, a fuzzy conclusion is used. Results. It is shown that for assessing the level of the financial security indicator of an enterprise, the fuzzy set method is the most effective in comparison with linear models, since it takes into account the uncertainty of the internal and external environment of the enterprise as much as possible. The fuzzy expert system actually allows you to use a significant number of input parameters, both quantitative and qualitative. The specific choice of input parameters should be justified, on the one hand, by their weight, and on the other hand, by the complexity of collecting data necessary to assess the state of financial security of the enterprise. To implement the proposed fuzzy-logical approach to determining the integral indicator of financial security of an enterprise (Financial Security (FS)), Financial coefficients are used that characterize solvency (Current Ratio (CR)), financial independence (Equity Ratio (ER)), profitability of total assets of the enterprise (Return on Assets (ROA)) and affect the target indicator. Novelty. The general structure of the fuzzy logic expert system constructor is presented as a data transformation within the system itself. For a fuzzy-logical approach, in order to determine the integral indicator of financial security of an enterprise Y123 (Financial Security (FS)), three input indicators are selected that affect the target indicator, namely: the current liquidity ratio X1(CR), the autonomy ratio X2 (ER) and the return on total assets ratio X3(ROA). Practical value. Indicators that make it possible to assess the financial security of enterprises to the greatest extent are proposed, and practical recommendations are given for the ranges of their optimal values for constructing an integral indicator of the financial security of enterprises using a fuzzy-logical approach. 
Keywords:Financial security of the enterprise, Integral indicator, Fuzzy Expert System, Current liquidity ratio, Financial autonomy coefficient, Return on total assets coefficient
File of the article:EV20214_126-134.pdf
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