Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №4 (76)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of brand management of regions
Author:Savchenko M. E., Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained using such research methods as: general and special method – to find similar and different components of the brand management process in the concepts proposed by different scientists. Synthesis and logical-deductive – to form their own brand management algorithm in the region, based on existing techniques. Results. The article investigates the approaches to the process of territory’s brand formation and its further management. It has been determined that brand management is an interesting issue for researchers and practitioners around the world today. There is no single approach to understanding the branding process, which gives impetus to the search for new methods and development of new models of brand management in countries and regions. There are different visions of brand building in the region, which can be based solely on marketing activities and on the holistic development of the region. The main stages and principles on which brand management should be based in today's realities are considered. It is proposed to consider the branding process through three main components: functional, coordination and communication. The study examines both classic and new approaches to the branding process. There is formulated the author’s vision of the process of brand management of territories to increase the attractiveness of regions among the target groups in the future and, as a consequence, to achieve socio-economic development of the region. The influence of stakeholders on the development of the brand of the territory is determined and the options of their interaction to achieve common goals are considered. Novelty. In the course of studying the problem of building a strong brand of the region, our own algorithm for managing the brands of the territories was proposed, which is based on the experience and developments of other scientists. Practical value. The proposed results can be used by state and local authorities to build regional brands and attract additional resources with their help. 
Keywords:Territory branding, Region brand, Territory brand management, Regional brand management, Territory marketing
File of the article:EV20214_175-182.pdf
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