Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №4 (76)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Modern trends of innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine in the international economic space
Authors:Zalizniuk V. P., Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics,
Safonik N. P., National Aviation University,
Kaya A. S., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The methodological basis of the research was the scientific concepts on innovation development of enterprises. The results of the research are based on general scientific and special methods. In particular, methods of generalization and comparison are used for formalization of theoretical provisions on innovation activity of enterprises; methods of analysis and synthesis – for formalization of internal and external factors, which influence processes of modernization of enterprises on the basis of principles of innovation; at estimation of indicators of innovation activity of domestic industrial enterprises and in international comparisons. Results. The article describes the current trends of innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises in the international economic space. Internal and external factors influencing processes of modernization of enterprises on the basis of principles of innovation are defined. The trends of innovation activity of enterprises using international indicators, in particular, the Global Innovation Index, are analyzed. The innovative activity of domestic enterprises was assessed, in particular, the structure of the source of financing of innovation activity of industrial enterprises, the tendency of changes in the number of enterprises that introduced innovations. We analyze aspects of innovation activity in separate foreign countries. The trends of the number of innovation products introduced by domestic enterprises and enterprises of EU member states have been determined. The main characteristics of development of international companies in the conditions of innovation are outlined. Novelty. On the basis of generalization of theoretical provisions of innovation activity of domestic enterprises and estimation of competitive positions of Ukraine on international indices, taking into account indicators of innovation activity, the directions of increase of economic efficiency of innovation activity of enterprises are outlined. Practical value. On the basis of the research, it is determined that modern innovation and technological development and expansion of the limits of digitalization require enterprises to form strategic priorities aimed at innovation and technological development in order to increase the level of economic efficiency and competitiveness, especially in the conditions of activity in the international economic space. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Innovation activity, International economic space, International business, Innovation product
File of the article:EV20214_183-189.pdf
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