Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №3 (75)
UDK:339.13.017 + 658.8.012.12
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:The behavioral features of sustainable value chains in industry
Author:Kuvaieva T. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of the following methods: logicalanalytical method and generalization – in the analysis of behavioral characteristics and ensuring consistency in industrial value chains; standard methods of qualitative and quantitative marketing research – in the diagnosis of factors influencing the formation of sustainable relationships of industrial enterprises with partners in value chains. Results. It has been established that in the context of the globalization of the market and the general orientation of the Ukrainian economy towards the European principles of development, it becomes important for mining engineering enterprises to prove their adherence to the requirements of energy efficiency, energy saving, energy security and social energy responsibility. Value chains should not only improve energy efficiency, economic and production stability of the enterprise, but also contribute to strengthening the sustainable development of all participants in the production chain, as well as other stakeholders (business partners, buyers, investors, local communities, etc.). Novelty. The behavioral features of mining machine-building enterprises in the context of formation of stable supply chains in the mining sector of the national economy are specified. The relationship between the energy efficiency indicator in the development of sustainable value chains in the extractive industry has been established. Practical value. The use of sustainable development principles in the formation of value chains will increase the energy efficiency of the industry, provide a competitive advantage for entering global production chains in the context of Ukraine's European integration. 
Keywords:Sustainable development, Energy efficiency, Responsible manufacturing, Mining engineering, Supply and distribution channels, Behavioral characteristics
File of the article:EV20213_067-074.pdf
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