Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №1 (77)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Conceptual statements of structural modernization of economic systems: essence and interpretation
Author:Raicheva L. I., International Humanian University in Odesa
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical basis of the research are modern theories of structuring systems. The research reveals the concept of modernization of the economy. The research is substantiated by general scientific and special methods. The researcher identifies the role of component, synergistic, institutional, result-oriented and integrative approaches to managing the economic structure of the economic system. The article describes the evolutionary, synergistic, institutional, systemic, innovative and intellectual-digitalization approaches to the interpretation of “structural modernization”. Results. The research substantiates the properties of economic systems from the standpoint of changing their structure. Changes in the structure of the national economic system are cumulative. In order to move to a new form, inevitable transformations must take place. The author investigates the forms of transformation of the structure of the economic system. The conditions for the effectiveness of the transformation of the structure of the national economy have been formalized. The author’s interpretation of the concept of «structural modernization» is given in the article. The research allowed to formulate patterns of structural modernization of the national economic system. Novelty. The concept of «structural modernization» is formalized as a purposeful and coordinated impact on the complex of socio-economic changes and corresponding changes in the structure of the national economy, which ensures the effectiveness of economic development and effective adaptability to progressive innovations and changes in the world economy. The author substantiates the forms and sequence of transformation of the structure of the national economic system. Practical value. The practical application of the proposed research results allows to rationalize the national economy. Structural modernization, as a result of the transformation of the economic system, is an incentive for innovative development and renewal of technologies. 
Keywords:Structural modernization, Economic system, System structure, Structural changes, Structural shifts, Economic transformation, Econom- ic development, National economic system
File of the article:EV20221_016-023.pdf
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