Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №1 (77)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic analysis of the modern world market of goods and services
Author:Smiesova V. L., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained through the use of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis – in generalizing scientific approaches to determining the essence of the category «market conjuncture», the method of unity of historical and logical analysis – in studying the evolution of theoretical concepts of economic conjuncture, grouping method – in generalizing approaches to determining the essence of this category, statistical method – in analysing the current state of the world market of goods and services. Results. A retrospective analysis of theories of economic conjuncture and approaches to defining the category of «market conjuncture» has been carried out. It has been established that there hasn’t been formed an established approach to understanding the essence of this category. It was found out that market conjuncture was interpreted by some economists as a state or situation in the market, and others – as a chain or coincidence of certain circumstances, which connects market processes as a characteristic of change, movement under the influence of factors, that is, as a static or as a dynamic phenomenon. There were approaches according to which the market conjuncture was identified with the ratio of market elements, as well as with the conditions, the set of circumstances, factors that determine the market situation, the process or result of these factors. On the basis of the generalization of scientific approaches to the definition of this category, it is justified that its categorical design should be carried out on the basis of combining of essential characteristics that reveal the internal content of market conjuncture (state, market situation, static and dynamic components), factors that affect it, as well as changes in the market. The specifics of the world market of goods and services are revealed and its connections with other world markets are characterized. The current state of the world market of goods and services, factors and trends of its development are studied, the dynamics and structure of world exports and imports are analysed. The leading countries in world exports and imports of goods and services, as well as Ukraine's place in this market have been identified. Novelty. The scientific originality of the research results is the generalization of scientific approaches and clarification of the essence of the category «market conjuncture», as well as the analysis of the structure, current state and dynamics of the world market of goods and services, the main trends in its development. Practical value. The practical value of the results obtained is to clarify the essence of market conjuncture, which allows to understand its features and conduct its research at the present stage of development, as well as to substantiate the main trends in the world market of goods and services 
Keywords:Economic conjuncture, Market conjuncture, World market, Market of goods and services, World economy
File of the article:EV20221_062-076.pdf
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