Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №1 (77)
Section:International economic relations
UDK:658.567:338.1 (292.4)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Analysis of circular economy development trends in europe
Authors:Khadzhynov I. V., Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University,
Bila I. V., Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
Annotation:Methods. During the research, general and special research methods were used: dialectical method – in the study of the category of «circular economy»; method of comparison – in the analysis of linear and circular economies; method of graphical interpretation – when revealing trends in the development of the circular economy in the EU; deduction – when formulating generalizing conclusions. Results. The authors of the article consider the essence, structure, and concepts of the circular economy. The specifics of the impact of zero-waste production on the economy are presented, which are reducing costs, increasing competitiveness, creating new jobs. European resource efficiency strategies at micro- and macro-levels are analyzed. Novelty. The essence of the circular economy is generalized, the classification of countries according to the level of development of the circular economy is improved, the EU’s GDP growth forecast from the implementation of closed-loop economics is modeled, the importance of the concept of circular economy in the national economy is clarified, strategic measures to overcome the barriers in implementation of a closed-cycle economy by business units is developed. Practical value is that research outcomes can serve as a basis for the formation of recommendations for the introduction of a circular economy through the development of modern circular business models in Ukraine, the described business models of European countries can be used by entrepreneurs inside the national economy. 
Keywords:Circular economy, Wastes, Cyclic production model, Recycling, Resource efficiency strategies
File of the article:EV20221_100-108.pdf
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