Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №1 (77)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Scientific basis of commercial activities of entities of the international business environment
Author:Pereverzeva S. O., General Secretary ICC Ukraine
Annotation:Methods. The methodological foundations of the research are the theories of international economy and commercial relations. The research results are based on general scientific and specific methods. The author used the methods of comparison, etymology and generalization to interpret the concept of «commercial activity». The research used methods of systems analysis to formalize the role of commercial activity in the international business environment. The method of graphic visualization made it possible to describe the place and role of commercial activity in the transformation of the international economic space. Results. The article examines approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «commercial activity». The author summarizes the scientific approaches to the definition: entrepreneurial, effective, process-market and client-oriented approaches. The entrepreneurial approach defines «commercial activity» in the international business environment through the internal processes of production and sale of products. The effective approach examines the profitability and socio-economic consequences of commercial activity. The process-market approach studies business processes and the behavior of entities in international markets. The customer-oriented approach is based on the influence of consumer satisfaction on the conditions of commercial activity. The article substantiates the author’s interpretation of the concept of «commercial activity in the international business environment», formalizes the entities and objects of international markets. Novelty. Approaches to the management of commercial activities are defined. It is substantiated that commercial activity in the international business environment is the process of economic activity of entities of international economic relations regarding the realization of their goals of functioning on the markets, ensuring the profitability and competitiveness of business processes, as well as mutual influences between market participants, regulators of the international economic system. Practical value. The results of the study made it possible to form the characteristics of changes in the commercial activity of the international business environment. 
Keywords:International economy, International business environment, Commercial activity, The international economy entities, International market, International integration
File of the article:EV20221_126-133.pdf
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