Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №2 (78)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:System of monitoring social and economic interaction of business entities in conditions of global challenges
Authors:Danich V. M., Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Tatar M. S., National Aerospase University «Kharkiv Aviation Institutе»
Annotation:Methods. In the course of the study, methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis, statistical, analytical, coefficient, factor, main component were used. Results. Entrepreneurial activity takes place in interaction with various subjects of the national economy of the country, as a result of which a complete system is formed, which covers economic, environmental, and social components. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between the economic development of the enterprise and the minimization of negative environmental consequences that arise during economic activity. Global challenges have been identified and the interrelationship of their consequences has been established. The rating of the largest polluting enterprises and the ecological, social and economic development of PJSC “PIVNGZK” were analyzed, and a system for monitoring the interaction of business entities in the conditions of global challenges and socio-behavioral restrictions was built. It is proposed to improve the system of indicators for monitoring the interaction of business entities with the internal, external and environmental environment. The calculation of the monitoring indicators of the interaction of business entities was carried out on the example of PJSC “PIVNGZK”. In order to reduce the dimensionality, at the same time losing the least amount of information, the method of principal components was used. The monitoring of the company’s interaction with the internal environment showed employee satisfaction with working conditions, a dynamic increase in average pay, and a significant decrease in staff turnover. Regarding interaction with the external environment, there is a decrease in the coefficient of customer constancy and the growth rate of the number of consumers, which are negative factors and signal the need to implement measures to improve the efficiency of interaction with external stakeholders. Monitoring of the enterprise’s interaction with the environment showed that waste far exceeds the volume of produced products. In this regard, measures are proposed to improve the efficiency of the interaction of economic entities with internal, external and surrounding environments. Novelty. The system of indicators for monitoring the interaction of business entities with the internal, external and surrounding environments in the conditions of global challenges and sociobehavioral restrictions has been improved. Practical value. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of practical monitoring of the business entities interaction, which will make possible to assess the quality of the functioning of the environmental management system, the level of performance of the enterprise’s greening tasks, monitor the costs of environmental protection, analyze the relationship between ecological characteristics and financial economic indicators of the activity of the industrial enterprise and, as a result, to minimize the eco-destructive impact of the enterprise on the state of the environment and improve the socio-demographic indicators of the country. 
Keywords:Global challenges, External environment, Chain of interconnection, Monitoring, Environment, System, Socio-economic interaction, Business entities
File of the article:EV20222_023-035.pdf
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