Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №2 (78)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Monitoring of the space-process management system of the enterprise’s economic potential
Authors:Arefieva O. V., National Aviation University,
Tytykalo V. S., Bogomolets National Medical University
Annotation:Methods. In the course of study of problems with monitoring the space-process management system of the enterprise’s economic potential, the method of abstraction was used - when determining the essence of the business process; systems approach – when building a model of business processes of an enterprise; logical approach – when allocating time horizons for providing information necessary for making strategic decisions; analysis and synthesis - when determining the internal and external factors of the development of the company’s potential. Results. The article examines the scientific aspects of the space-process management of the economic potential of the enterprise from the point of view of increasing the efficiency of its activity, namely through the substantiation of the expediency of restructuring the information support of the management decision-making process. It is shown that the constant maintenance of the company's competitive positions and the monitoring of its components and relationships in order to meet the interests of interested parties should be carried out through its strategic potential, which is the basis for developing an effective strategy and ensuring the appropriate level of development. Novelty. It is proposed to use a hierarchical structure of monitoring in the space-process management system of economic potential in order to provide managers with reliable information in order to optimize the process of strategic decision-making and the formation of appropriate information support, the choice of methods and time of updating information. The time horizons of providing information necessary for making strategic decisions are specified. Practical value. The results of the study make it possible to more effectively apply the spaceprocess management of the economic potential of the enterprise in terms of optimizing its work with information flows. 
Keywords:Monitoring, Space-process management, Enterprise’s economic potential, Resources, Strategy, Strategic potential, Information support
File of the article:EV20222_069-077.pdf
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