Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №2 (78)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:The principles of improving the development of franchise business in Ukraine
Author:Holubka D. S., Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Annotation:Methods. The research results were obtained using general and specific scientific methods and scientific approaches, namely: methods of abstraction and comparison, logical-analytical analysis - for diagnosing the state and evaluating the development of entrepreneurship, as well as developing a model for choosing a potential franchise for franchisees; the method of theoretical generalization - to substantiate the systematization and organization of the franchising business model process; deduction - when formulating general conclusions. Results. The paper analyzes the current state of franchising business development in Ukraine, on the basis of which there is identified the need to significantly increase the efficiency of the application of the organizational plane in the general structure of the business model of choosing a franchise, and the emphasis is placed on the effectiveness of state policy, the creation of regulatory and legal support for the process of formation and development of national franchise business. On the basis of the research, the main prospects for the development of franchise business in Ukraine have been determined. The most important influencing factors on the development of the franchise business model are substantiated, and the operational order of choosing a franchise is determined. It is indicated that such a business model consists of organizational and cause-effect planes, which are formed in space and time coordinates. There is emphasized the need to identify the economic and social effects caused by their phased implementation at the organizational level, which in its turn has natural reverse aftereffects. Novelty. The research is aimed at finding new, more effective ways of developing franchise business in the Ukrainian economy. The author proposed the systematization and organization of the business process in order to form an effective portrait of the franchise model, and also for franchisees there has been created a step-by-step activity business model for choosing a potential franchise. Practical value consists in the development of recommendations for the effective development of the national franchise business. 
Keywords:National economy, Franchising, Franchisor, Franchisee, Franchise business, International economic relations
File of the article:EV20222_104-110.pdf
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