Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №3 (79)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Formation of complex value of an enterprise on the basis of digital marketing: international experience
Author:Kononov A. I., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy
Annotation:Methods. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: analysis – when studying the international experience of applying methodical approaches to the formation of enterprise value; abstraction – in the process of creating a comprehensive approach to the formation of enterprise value based on digital marketing; comparative analysis – to compare methodical approaches to the formation of the complex value of the enterprise; structuring – when identifying the principles of digital marketing at industrial enterprises. Results. A critical analysis of the international experience of applying existing methodical approaches to the formation of enterprise value was carried out. The author of the article carried out an assessment of the value of the enterprise using approaches and assessment methods that are components of methodological approaches or the result of their combination. It has been demonstrated that each of the considered methodological approaches is characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages which have a significant impact on the choice of an appropriate method of estimating the value of the enterprise in the specified conditions. The use of a complex approach is proposed, which will allow obtaining the most reliable result, taking into account the intangible assets of the enterprise. Novelty. The assessment of the value of the enterprise plays an important role in the implementation of transactions of purchase and sale, leasing, shareholding, development of a plan for the development of the enterprise, its restructuring, improvement of management efficiency, etc. Enterprise owners, banks and credit institutions, insurance companies, legal organizations, tax and other administrative services, stakeholders are interested in the correct formation of the complex value of the enterprise, which would meet modern requirements and standards. Practical value. The assessment of the value of the enterprise plays an important role in the implementation of transactions of purchase and sale, leasing, shareholding, designing a plan for the development of the enterprise, its restructuring, improvement of management efficiency, etc. Enterprise owners, banks and credit institutions, insurance companies, legal organizations, taxation and other administrative services, stakeholders are interested in the correct formation of the complex value of the enterprise, which would meet modern requirements and standards. 
Keywords:Methodical approaches, Integrated enterprise value, Digital marketing, Integrated approach
File of the article:EV20223_079-085.pdf
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