Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2022 №3 (79)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Meta-analysis of the results of researching the quality of city passenger transportation
Authors:Petrovska S. I., National Transport University,
Haidai H. H., National Transport University,
Levchuk N. M., National Transport University,
Lavryk H. I., National Transport University
Annotation:Methods. The results of the work were obtained using the analysis and application of two areas of research on the quality of urban passenger transportation. The first approach deals with the measurement of transport system operating parameters, the second one focuses on researching the attitude of customers towards transport services. Results. It was found that the modern standards for evaluating the quality of transportation are not a sufficient methodological basis when stakeholders are faced with the task of reducing the frequency of using a private car in the metropolis. It requires the development of special tools for evaluating the quality of city trips. Here it is necessary to measure the difference in the quality of trips through the city, as experienced by passengers of city transport and drivers of private cars. Without such research, this kind of quality management will only be intuitive. Point studies allow to identify the main factors that stand in the way of quality and to understand the directions of managerial influence, however do not provide information for controlling measures for managing the demand for transportation. This also applies to the failure to take into account the hidden motives for evaluating the quality of passenger transportation in the content of the evaluation, which influence the decision to use private transport by city residents: the symbolic value of the car, the feeling of power over it, the preservation of a person’s personal space, etc. All these factors are also components of the quality of trips through the city, which expands the meaning of the quality of trips. Novelty. A special toolkit for evaluating the quality of city trips as an extended construct has been developed, according to which, in the monitoring mode, it is proposed to measure the difference in the quality of city trips based on the feelings of city transport passengers and private car drivers. Practical value. The results of the study are of an applied nature, since the study of directions for assessing the quality of passenger transportation in cities will ensure the systematic application of tools with the stabilization of management approaches. If we compare the importance for residents of the parameters of the service, the quality of which has reached a critical limit, we are convinced that they concentrate on the production parameters of the service process, and their methodological basis is not suitable for cases of managing the switch from traveling by private transport to city transport. The same applies to the regulatory framework according to which a city transportation must operate in Ukraine. 
Keywords:Passenger transportation quality, Economic efficiency of transportation quality, Transportation quality evaluation tools, Transportation enterprise efficiency, Transportation enterprise loss risks, Transportation quality research analysis
File of the article:EV20223_148-155.pdf
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