Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №1 (81)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Intellectual potential as the main factor of innovative development of an enterprise
Authors:Arefieva O. V., National Aviation University,
Kovalenko N. V., National Transport University,
Andriienko M. M., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. In conducting a study of the intellectual potential of an enterprise, the article uses the method of scientific abstraction to define theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence of the concept of «intellectual potential», system approach to use a methodological approach to the components of the process of managing the efficiency of the intellectual potential of an enterprise. Results. The composition of the economic category of «intellectual potential» is determined on the basis of generalization of characteristics based on scientific developments of researchers on effective management at an enterprise. It has been found that the existing contradictions between the object and subject in the process of intellectual potential management should be resolved with the help of economic instruments: purpose, goal, principles, methods, ways and indicators of enterprise performance evaluation. Novelty. The article proposes a methodical approach to effective management of the intellectual potential of an innovative enterprise, the essence of which is a systematic step-by-step assessment of economic instruments aimed at harmonizing production and economic interests between objects and subjects in the course of creating high-tech products. The structural composition of the process of balancing the harmonization of production and economic interests between the subject and the object in the field of innovation activity includes: goals and objectives of development of an innovative enterprise, tools for ensuring the efficient use of the intellectual potential of an enterprise, principles for ensuring the efficiency of use of the intellectual potential of the enterprise and expected results in the form of knowledge-intensive products. Practical value. Based on the results of the scientific research, the author proposes economic guidelines for managing the intellectual potential of an innovative enterprise, which will help to resolve the existing contradictions in the implementation of production and economic activities and will contribute to the development of innovative areas of work. 
Keywords:Intellectual potential, Production and economic interests, Management tools, Principles, Innovative products
File of the article:EV20231_157-163.pdf
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