Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №2 (82)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Geo-economic factors of foreign direct investment movement and strengthening of national security of Ukraine
Authors:Herashchenko S. O., Dnipro University of Technology,
Shashkina K. T., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The methods used as the methodological basis of the study were: logical – when describing the cause-and-effect relationships between internal and external factors that contribute to the improvement of the investment environment and the growth of foreign direct investment in Ukraine, or, on the contrary, create significant risks and prevent the attraction of such investments in the country; general and specific – when assessing the influence of the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of the development of the national economy on the attraction of international investments by companies; analysis and synthesis – in the study of the main risks for foreign investors and the development of recommendations to reduce their negative impact on investors, aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the medium and long term. Results. The prospects of Ukraine in attracting foreign direct investments were considered, the dynamics of the volume of foreign direct investments were analyzed. The possibility of improving the geo-economic situation of Ukraine in the post-war economy is indicated, provided that significant amounts of foreign direct investments are attracted. Novelty. The geo-economic factors that can affect the movement of direct foreign investment in Ukraine were studied, and a SWOT analysis of these geo-economic factors of the movement of direct foreign investment for Ukraine was conducted. Weaknesses and strengths of Ukraine's investment attractiveness have been identified. Directions for adjusting investment risks are proposed. Practical value. The conducted analysis gives us an understanding of the state of the state's investment climate and directions for improving the investment attractiveness of the national economy. 
Keywords:SWOT-analysis, Geo-economic factors, Geopolitics, Direct foreign investment, Strengthening of national security
File of the article:EV20232_076-084.pdf
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