Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №2 (82)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Use of agile methodology for project management in banking organizations
Authors:Bardas A. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Avramenko O. O., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. Scientific results were obtained using the following methods: structural and logical – when identifying the relationships between the definition of the essence of the object of activity in the works of Ukrainian and foreign authors; chronological method – in reconstructing the chronology of the development of flexible project management methods and their impact on the quality of project execution; the method of substantive analysis – when comparing different methods of project management to formulate the advantages that a financial institution can receive from the use of flexible methods of project management. Results. Directions for adjusting the strategic development plans of banking organizations are proposed, which will allow to minimize the risks of conducting business operations under conditions of force majeure. A list of tools (mortgage financing, interest rate increase, opportunities to invest one's own savings in securities) is proposed, which should help to increase the deposit base of individuals and legal entities. Positive trends of the transition to flexible project management methods have been identified. The results of the transformation of banking institutions into mobile banks are shown and the distribution of the client base by channels of using the functionality is given. Novelty. The advantages of the transition to flexible management methods, namely agile, in project management in banking organizations have been revealed. The current state of transformation of banking organizations on the way to the transition to digital banking is considered. Practical value. This study demonstrates the possibilities and prospects for the development of a flexible approach to project management (agile approach) in banking organizations. 
Keywords:Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Banking organization, Project management, Efficiency, Changes
File of the article:EV20232_093-102.pdf
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