Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №2 (82)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Motivational aspects of enterprise potential renewal
Author:Dolzhenko D. Yu., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. In the course of the research, such methods of scientific knowledge were used as: abstraction – to reveal the essence of the concept of «enterprise potential»; factor analysis – to identify factors that determine the need to implement motivational renewal of the company’s potential; grouping method – for the classification of influencing factors on the formation and development of the company’s potential. Results. The article analyzes the motivational aspects of updating the company’s potential. The main essential characteristics of the concept of «enterprise potential» are given. The opportunities for developing the company’s potential, which can be used to achieve its strategic goals and overcome challenges, are characterized. The key factors that influence the formation and development of the company’s potential and which by their nature can be both motivational and demotivating are highlighted. It is substantiated that the motivational renewal of the enterprise’s potential can be considered as a systematic process of applying motivational strategies and tools in order to stimulate its development and increase competitiveness. This involves focusing on the activation of resources, increasing productivity and achieving the company’s strategic goals, while contributing to its sustainable success and adaptation to changes in the modern economic environment. Novelty. The main goals of optimizing the company’s potential are characterized, which determine the key tasks and priorities of its development in the context of the formation of a motivational basis. It is substantiated that the motivational aspects of updating the company’s potential play a decisive role in stimulating and directing efforts to achieve strategic goals. Practical value. Motivational renewal of potential contributes to increasing competitiveness, ensures stability and growth of the enterprise’s profitability, and also allows it to meet the challenges of the modern market and requires constant analysis and adaptation to changes in the internal and external environment. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Enterprise potential, Development, Renewal of enterprise potential, Motivational aspects, Motivational factors, Demotivating factors, Motivational renewal
File of the article:EV20232_161-169.pdf
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