Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:The management of it IT-companies business’ scaling in the conditions of the digitalization of the economy
Authors:Bardas A. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Rudenko D. O., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. Scientific results have been obtained by using general scientific methods, in particular: analysis and synthesis – to determine the directions of the impact of digitalization on the transformation of the organization's business model, which, in particular, is reflected in the scaling of its activities; general and specific – when clarifying the specifics of the functioning of Ukrainian enterprises in the IT sector; analysis and synthesis – when identifying the reasons for the growing importance for the development of the national economy of enterprises oriented to the export of hightech products. Results. The study demonstrated the specifics of the functioning of Ukrainian enterprises in the IT sector and the prospects for its further development in the future in order to preserve the current competitive advantages. There are singled out the reasons for the growing importance for the national economy of those enterprises, which are based on the technological complexity of export goods and services, as well as on the qualifications of the personnel of organizations. Novelty. The study demonstrates the peculiarities of the functioning of Ukrainian enterprises in the IT sector and the prospects for its future development to preserve the current competitive advantages. An explanation of the reasons for the growing importance for the national economy of ITenterprises is given by authors. The growing importance of IT-business is based on the technological complexity of export goods and services, as well as on the qualifications of the personnel of organizations. Practical value. This study offers specific recommendations for strengthening the competitive advantages of the national IT sector at the macro level of economic development. It is proposed to carry out constant monitoring of those variables that affect the success of project implementation, as well as to determine correlations between them and the result of project implementation as a whole. 
Keywords:Management, Activity scaling, Project management, Organization, Digitalization
File of the article:EV20233_074-087.pdf
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