Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Finances, accounting and taxation
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Financial tools of «green» banking as component investments for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine
Authors:Solianyk L. H., Dnipro University of Technology,
Krylova O. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Pozdniakova A. O., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The study of financial instruments of «green» banking in the conditions of the postwar recovery of Ukraine was carried out using the methods of cognition and objective analysis. The theoretical and scientific–methodological basis of the research is the foundations of financial science and banking. Official statistical data of the National Bank of Ukraine were used to assess the level of lending and financing of the «green» economy in the pre-war period. Statistical and graphic methods were used to analyze these data. The method of generalization was used to determine the external and internal factors that can influence the development of the «green» economy and its bank financing. Results. The main features and problems of the functioning of the «green» economy and the influence of the banking system of Ukraine on it during the period of global economic and political challenges are studied. It was found that the effective development of the banking system is important for the development of «green» financing. It was found that bank financing of the «green» economy is very vulnerable to fluctuations in global and national energy markets, as it is constantly dependent on the growing amount of financial resources to finance it. Global crises also have a significant impact on the lending status of Ukraine's «green» economy. An important result of the study is the determination of the main ways of bank activity for the formation of effective «green» banking in order to overcome the negative impact of the state of war in Ukraine, damage to the energy system and further post–war recovery. It has been established that banking institutions can use the international experience of banking financing the development of the «green» economy in order to ensure a quick and effective post–war recovery of the country's energy system and the economy as a whole. Novelty. The main aspects of «green» banking, its impact on the sustainability of development, as well as the main directions of the development of the banking system of Ukraine with regard to the effective financing of «green» projects in the post-war reconstruction of the country are determined. Practical value.The prospects of using the tools of «green» banking to promote sustainable development and recovery of Ukraine after the military conflict are highlighted. 
Keywords:«green» banking, Sustainable financing, «green» investments, Sustainable recovery, Post-war recovery
File of the article:EV20233_112-119.pdf
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