Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Corporate social responsibility as the basis of innovative development of enterprises
Author:Hovsieiev D. D., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the scientific works of domestic scientists on the problems of corporate social responsibility. The results are obtained through the use of methods: generalization and comparison to formalize the theoretical provisions on the corporate social responsibility; abstract-logical method – for theoretical generalizations and formulation of the conclusions of the study. Results. The main approaches to the concept of corporate social responsibility are analyzed and it is determined that their common goal is to create business practices that will take into account social and environmental requirements, promote sustainable development. The positive and negative aspects of corporate social responsibility are substantiated and it is determined that ensuring a balance between these arguments can lead to a successful combination of economic and social influence of enterprises, contributing to sustainable development and welfare of society. The main factors of formation of corporate social responsibility are analyzed. It is determined that the green economy and corporate social responsibility complement each other, contributing to sustainable development and improvement of the quality of life in society. The key components of the model of social responsibility during the war are analyzed and it is determined that the corporate social responsibility goes beyond the static values and takes into account the need for democratization and socialization of society in the conditions of the country's recovery after the war events. Novelty. The research substantiates that in the context of innovative development, green economy and corporate social responsibility are important components of sustainable development, complementing each other and jointly contributing to the creation of a more sustainable and effective society. The novelty of this approach is that the green economy and corporate social responsibility are not considered as separate areas of activity, but as interrelated components. Such an integrated approach contributes to the creation of integrated solutions aimed at achieving sustainable development and meeting the needs of society. Practical value. It offers guidelines for the successful introduction of socially responsible business, which are aimed at developing a general scheme for the formation of a strategic basis for the innovative development of enterprises in the context of solving current problems of social responsibility and the development of appropriate strategies and programs, taking into account current innovative solutions and approaches. 
Keywords:Social responsibility, Business, Enterprise, Innovative development, Green economy, Environmental aspects, Social aspects, Socially responsible business, Environmental responsibility, Economic responsibility, Ethical responsibility
File of the article:EV20233_140-150.pdf
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