Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Scientific-methodical approach to the formation of economic security of an enterprise
Author:Kalyniuk V. Ye., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The research is based on the use of a systemic approach, which is applied in the construction of the conceptual model of the adaptation of economic security management of an enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. Results. The article outlines the need for the formation of an analytical base and diagnostic tools for assessing the quality of business processes, taking into account the economic security system of the enterprise, neo-technologies and neo-ideas, which open up opportunities to ensure the successful functioning of the enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. The key differences of the adaptive system of economic security of the enterprise are highlighted, namely: its ability to take into account in the general system of enterprise management its branch specifics and the scale of its activity, stages of the life cycle of operation, the presence or absence of international activity, on the one hand, and its resistance to potentially possible threats, maintaining market stability and liquidity at a sufficient level, on the other hand. Novelty. The conceptual model of the adaptation of the management of economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction has been created, which is based on institutional conditions and specifics of its functioning, as well as factors influencing economic security and system-providing components. Practical value of the research lies in the possibility of using its results to create a system of economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. 
Keywords:Economic security, Enterprises, Influencing factors, Conceptual model, Neotechnological reproduction, Adaptation, Threats, Neo-technologies, Neo-ideas
File of the article:EV20233_151-160.pdf
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