Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Theoretical approaches to determining the essence and features of enterprise scale formation
Authors:Arefiev S. O., National Aviation University,
Patlay A. I., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the works of leading domestic and foreign scientists, methodology and systematic principles of conducting complex scientific research. Among the specific research methods used in the work are: abstract and logical – to study the development of the problem and summarise the findings; theoretical generalisation – in the process of revealing the essence of the category «enterprise scale»; observation, comparative advantages, economic analysis, clustering and comparison – to study indicators, tools and factors influencing the formation of enterprise scale. Results. There is studied the essence of the concept of «enterprise scale» and the tools for determining the scale of enterprise activity, which are the criteria for its measurement. A set of tools and means that influence the increase in the scale of an enterprise is determined. The main results of successful application of the enterprise scale tools and measures that contribute to achieving successful results of scaling at the enterprise are identified and characterised. The key aspects of enterprise scale formation have been identified by allocating the conditions for ensuring and factors influencing the formation of enterprise scale. Novelty. In the course of the study of theoretical approaches and determination of the features of enterprise scale formation, the key aspects of enterprise scale formation are identified by identifying the conditions for ensuring and factors influencing the formation of enterprise scale, establishing a set of tools and means that contribute to the achievement of successful scaling results at the enterprise. Practical value. There are proposed the key aspects of enterprise scale formation aimed at determining the indicators, principles, obstacles and factors that influence the results of successful application of enterprise scale tools and measures that contribute to this to ensure the effective development of enterprise activities. 
Keywords:Enterprise, Scale, Means, Tools, Scaling, Formation, Provision, Management, Strategy, Decision, Implementation, Development, Expansion
File of the article:EV20233_178-186.pdf
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