Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №3 (83)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Theoretical background of transparency management development of enterprises in the conditions of convergence of investment processes
Author:Zaitseva A. S., Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin
Annotation:Methods. During the research, such general scientific methods are used as: abstraction – when determining the essence of the concept of «transparency management of enterprise development»; analysis and synthesis – when distinguishing the components of the transparency management process of the development of enterprises in the conditions of convergence of investment processes; systematic approach – in the formation of an effective management system for the development of enterprises. Results. The article provides a theoretical basis for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the conditions of convergence of investment processes. According to the results of the conducted research, it was found that the modern enterprise management system of Ukraine demonstrates positive results under the conditions of its constant and continuous improvement, and also has the potential to respond to the challenges of changing conditions of both endogenous and exogenous environments. The factors of negative influence on the development of the enterprise are singled out, attention is focused on the need to create a scientific and practical justification of the system of measures to maintain the level of its value and ensure the adoption of innovative and progressive decisions. Novelty. There is given the author’s definition of the process of managing the transparency of the development of enterprises in the conditions of the convergence of investment processes as a management paradigm with the use of innovative tools and information support for the purpose of producing effective strategic management decisions regarding conceptual modeling and improvement of business processes that strategically determine the competitive advantages of enterprise, while ensuring the transparency of personal business functioning in an institutional environment that takes into account socio-value changes caused by scientific and technical development for the formation and rational use of investment potential. Practical value. The formed theoretical basis for managing the transparency of the development of enterprises in the conditions of convergence of investment processes can become the basis for scientific and practical substantiation of the system of measures to support the level of the value of the enterprise and ensure the adoption of innovative and progressive decisions. 
Keywords:Management, Development, Enterprise, Transparency, Convergence, Investment processes, Innovative and progressive solutions
File of the article:EV20233_187-197.pdf
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