Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №4 (84)
Section:Economic theory
UDK:338.242: 334
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Creative economy: evolution of approaches to the formation of the concept
Authors:Yudenko V. V., Dnipro University of Technology,
Yudenko V. A., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The research presented in the article was based on the application of such general scientific methods of scientific research as: logical and historical – when considering the evolution of views on the essence of the concept of «creative economy» and identifying the stages of its formation; general and specific – when identifying the characteristic features that distinguish the creative economy from other types of economic systems; analysis and synthesis – when forming a categorical series of related concepts. Results. The article traces the evolution of views on the essence of the concept of «creative economy». The historical path of distinguishing this concept from the understanding of the content of the actual sphere of creative activity of people and creative professions, cultural industries, the change of the concept to creative industries and the emergence of the term «creative cities» is demonstrated. These studies are summarized and assigned to the first, preparatory stage of the study. The second stage is singled out in view of the work on identifying the essential features of the creative economy, forming ideas about its structure and providing its first definition. Novelty. The historical process of the evolution of theoretical-methodological approaches to the categorical design of the concept of «creative economy» is shown, with the identification of two stages that reflect the gradual departure from the understanding of culture and creativity as a separate sphere of society’s functioning and the establishment of its perception as an important component of human economic activity. Practical value. The results of the research can be useful for scientists who conduct research on the essence of the creative economy and work on the formation of its categorical design. 
Keywords:Industrial enterprises, Industrial sectors, Development trends, Classification of industrial enterprises, Energy efficiency, Sustainable development, Innovative industrial sector
File of the article:EV20234_021-027.pdf
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