Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №4 (84)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:English
Title:On the issue of categorical formalization of the public good phenomenon
Author:Horbaniov V. S., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The scientific results presented in the paper were obtained through the application of such general scientific research methods as: abstraction – used to establish the essence of the concept of «pure public good»; induction and deduction – employed in the formation of criteria for identifying economic goods; grouping – utilized in creating an improved classification of economic goods; generalization and specification – applied in distinguishing between pure and mixed public goods. Results. The study led to conclusions regarding the fact that traditional notions, shaped by primitive economism with the market as a self-sufficient and independent sphere separate from the functioning of other components of social organization, cannot explain the existence of such types of goods that society needs irrespective of the presence of effective demand. This necessitates a gradual departure from the neoclassical paradigm of economic research. It has been revealed that earlier scientific inquiries into the study of the phenomenon of public goods did not address the question of its essence but relied solely on signs. Therefore, the problem of identifying deep interconnections that determine public goods and complement previous interpretations of its nature becomes relevant. The category of «pure public good» has been defined, and the reasons for its existence have been demonstrated. Criteria for classifying a good as a publicpurpose commodity have been identified, and an improved classification of economic goods has been provided. The essential differences between pure and mixed types of private and public goods have been discussed. Novelty lies in providing an original definition for the category of «pure public good», which, unlike existing definitions, emphasizes the direct reasons for the existence of the phenomenon of public goods. Criteria for the classification of economic goods have been identified. Practical value lies in establishing the essence of the concept of «pure public goods», as well as identifying additional criteria, allowing for a more precise classification of economic goods with a lower probability of misclassification. This serves as a foundation for implementing more effective government policies regarding the functioning of the public sector and its financing directions. 
Keywords:Public goods, Club goods, Common resources, Criteria for classifying public goods, Conflict of private and public interests in providing public goods, Explicit and implicit needs
File of the article:EV20234_035-044.pdf
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