Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №4 (84)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Economic interests, taxation and justice
Authors:Shvabiy K. I., State Tax University,
Savchenko S. O., State Tax University
Annotation:Methods. During the research, the following methods were used: logical and historical – when studying the evolution of thinkers’ views on the concept of justice in the context of taxation; abstraction – when defining the category «justice in taxation»; dynamic series – when determining modern trends in the dynamics of tax revenues to the state budget; general and specific – when comparing the taxation structure of some countries, which distinguish the creative economy from other types of economic systems; analysis and synthesis – when forming a categorical series of related concepts. Results. The article defines the role of social justice as one of the fundamental principles of taxation in ensuring tax modernization of Ukraine. The contradictory nature of concepts of justice applied in the field of taxation was revealed, the concept of «justice in taxation» was defined. Modern trends in the dynamics of tax revenues to the state budget of Ukraine are singled out, their structure is presented in both absolute and relative dimensions. A comparison of the positions of Ukraine in terms of the structure of collected taxes with the OECD countries was carried out. It was concluded that the structure of tax revenues of our state reflects the world trend regarding the spread of VAT, but the share of collected taxes on consumption in Ukraine is higher, while the share of taxes on income is lower compared to OECD countries. It is emphasized that the best theory of taxation needs effective implementation. Therefore, the development of tax policy should carefully consider the administrative aspect of taxation. Novelty. The role of the principle of justice in the fiscal menu of the times of martial law has been defined, proposals have been made regarding the directions of reforming the taxation system in Ukraine, namely: progressive taxation of the incomes of individuals, elimination or limitation of unequal opportunities for tax evasion and improvement of administration. Practical value. Proposals regarding ways to improve the taxation system in Ukraine in the context of justice can be useful in forming the foundations of the state fiscal policy, as well as forming the perception of the Ukrainian tax system as fair by those to whom it applies. 
Keywords:Budget, State, Taxes, Economic interests, Justice, Economy
File of the article:EV20234_045-052.pdf
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