Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2023 №4 (84)
Section:Economics of enterprise
UDK:338: 330.35.011
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Theoretical and methodological basis of the concept of sustainable development of an enterprise
Author:Komandrovska V. Ye., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical, scientific and methodological basis is the system approach, which allows to consider an enterprise as a system that functions in a changing external environment and is influenced by external and internal factors that affect the system’s sustainability, and makes the basis for understanding the essence and prerequisites for sustainable and resilient development of an enterprise. The process approach is the basis for developing a structural and logical scheme of the process of enterprise development as an economic system. The methods of analysis and synthesis allowed to identify possible levels of development of economic systems for the study of sustainable development of enterprises. Factor analysis was used to identify the problems associated with ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises in the conditions of Economy 5.0. Results. The article examines the theoretical and methodological foundations of the concept of sustainable development of an enterprise. Different approaches to the definition of the concept of development are distinguished, in particular evolutionary, synergistic, genetic, and conflictological. The essence and features of enterprise development as an economic system are considered. The author’s view on the development process in the form of a structural and logical scheme is proposed. Such components as the state of the economic entity, internal and external determinants, results, sources and causes of development are allocated. The differences between the concepts of stability and sustainability of systems are investigated. The specifics of sustainable development of an enterprise in comparison with sustainable development, which is, in particular, a broader concept with an emphasis on economic, social and environmental aspects, are determined. Conclusions are drawn regarding the multidimensional nature of approaches to understanding enterprise development and the growing role of the concept of sustainable development in the context of Economy 5.0. Novelty. Different approaches to defining the concept of sustainable development are pointed out, in particular, evolutionary, synergistic, genetic, and conflictological. The author’s view on the development process is proposed. Practical value. The results of the study are of theoretical and practical importance for developing the models of innovation-oriented transformation of domestic enterprises on the basis of sustainable development, taking into account global technological trends. 
Keywords:Development, Classification of development types, Sustainable development, Sustainable development, Enterprise, Economy
File of the article:EV20234_157-166.pdf
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