Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №1 (85)
Section:Economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Management of the intellectual potential of enterprises in the context of globalization transformation: theoretical aspects
Author:Shepelenko S. M., Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy
Annotation:Methods. In the course of the research, the methods of scientific abstraction were used –when clarifying the essence of the concepts of «management», «intellectual potential», «globalization transformation»; structural and functional – when distinguishing the components of intellectual potential; analysis and synthesis – when highlighting the impact of globalization on the intellectual potential of enterprises. Results. Management of the intellectual potential of enterprises becomes a necessity in the conditions of rapid development of technologies, increased competition and globalization transformations in the modern world. The ability of enterprises to effectively use and develop their intellectual potential determines their success and resistance to change. Taking into account the rapid pace of technological progress and changing market requirements, the study of the problems of forming a system of managing the intellectual potential of enterprises in the conditions of global transformations is a relevant and important step in the development of success strategies for modern enterprises. Globalization affects all aspects of modern business, changing approaches to management, strategic planning, and enterprise development. In this context, the intellectual potential of enterprises becomes a key resource that must be effectively managed to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of domestic enterprises. Novelty. The intellectual potential of the enterprise includes knowledge, skills, experience, creative capabilities and other cognitive human resources that are important for achieving strategic goals. Management of intellectual potential involves the implementation of strategic approaches to the selection, development, motivation and retention of personnel, as well as the creation of a favorable organizational and ergonomic environment for creative activity and the development of innovations. Practical value. The intellectual potential of the enterprise in the conditions of globalization requires a systematic approach to management, focusing on strategic planning, human resources development, innovative development and ensuring competitiveness. Implementation of these principles will allow enterprises to effectively use their intellectual potential to achieve strategic goals and successfully adapt to global challenges and opportunities. 
Keywords:Intellectual potential, Enterprise, Globalization, Transformation, Theory
File of the article:EV20241_187-196.pdf
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