Annotation: | Methods. The following scientific methods are the methodological basis of the research: analytical – when distinguishing positive and negative aspects of the globalization process; concrete and abstract – when generalizing the nature of the impact of globalization processes on technological development; analysis and synthesis – when clarifying the cyclic patterns of technological changes. Results. The cyclic patterns of technological changes under the influence of globalization processes are analyzed. The contradictory nature of the processes of globalization in modern conditions, which led to the regionalization of world economic relations and affected the nature of international competition, was highlighted. On the basis of the theories of long-term fluctuations, the cyclic patterns of technological changes are considered. It is emphasized that different approaches to studying the regularities of long-term economic dynamics and processes of periodic renewal of technological methods of production complement each other. The nature of structural crises as a phase of long-term economic fluctuations is revealed. It is noted that in modern conditions, the nature of technological changes is determined by the mutual influence of globalization processes, scientific and technological progress, and economic policy. Novelty. It has been established that the nature of technological changes, as an objective process of periodic renewal of technological methods of production, in modern conditions is significantly modified by the contradictory processes of globalization. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by scientists, representatives of the state authorities in the process of research and development of mechanisms of technological modernization of the national economy of Ukraine. |
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