Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2024 №3 (87)
Section:Economic theory
UDK:004.056; 005.8; 519.8
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Maturity of the country's cybersecurity system in the conditions of war: assessment trends
Authors:Dotsenko T. V., Sumy State University,
Kuzmenko M. V., Sumy State University
Annotation:Methods. The study used the following methods: an inductive approach to formulating the concept of maturity of the country's cybersecurity system in military conditions; a deductive method to derive the concept of assessing the maturity of the country's cybersecurity system during military operations; content analysis identified the key elements of assessing the maturity of the national cybersecurity system in military operations; strategic analysis identified the main vectors of assessing the problem under study, and the latest approaches to assessing the national cybersecurity system. Results. The latest trends in assessing the maturity of the country's cybersecurity system, taking into account the aspect of military conditions, are identified: the existing regulatory and legal framework at the international and national levels is indicated; the concept of maturity and assessment of the maturity of the country's cybersecurity system during military operations is formulated. The paper outlines the key elements of assessing the maturity of the national cybersecurity system in military operations: adaptability, interoperability, readiness, partnership, cyber reserves, vulnerabilities and threats, and training. The main vectors of assessment are identified: assessment of cyber threats, cyber attacks, infrastructure protection, interaction of cybersecurity actors, level of personnel training; the latest approaches to system assessment are noted. A scheme of future key challenges, trends, and recommendations for assessing the maturity of the national cybersecurity system in wartime has been formed. Novelty. The study of the specifics of assessing the maturity of the country's cybersecurity system identifies key elements, vectors, approaches, and methods for assessing the cyber defence system. Weaknesses and vulnerabilities, existing progress in the development of cyber defence of the system are identified, and the necessary activities to enhance the effectiveness of national security in times of war are identified. Practical value. The experience of previous achievements in the functioning of cybersecurity systems is summarised, the most effective practices and methods of cyber resilience are identified, recommendations for assessing the maturity of the national cybersecurity system in times of war are proposed, which will optimise existing and potential resources, and will help to create the preconditions for further development of the latest model of cyber defence assessment. 
Keywords:Cybersecurity, System maturity, Assessment methods, Cyber defence modelling, Cyber risks, Cyber vulnerabilities
File of the article:EV20243_034-043.pdf
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