Annotation: | Methods. The results were obtained through the use of empirical research methods (description of the components of blogging and activities of higher educational institutions in the blogosphere), theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, explanation, classification of blogging in the field of education). The study covers socio-communication, system and functional approaches, content analysis, elements of SWOT analysis. Results. It is substantiated that the main parameters of an educational blog are the topic, structure and format of content, criteria for publication, dynamics of publications, rules of participation, confidentiality, protection of intellectual property. The principles on the basis of which an educational blog should be created and developed are highlighted, namely: purposefulness, informativeness, systematicity, coherence and safety. It was determined that the blog performs a number of functions, which include interpersonal communication, organization of learning, social adaptation, self-expression and creativity. It has been demonstrated that the organizational, personnel, technical, information and legal support of the blog in the field of higher education is gaining importance. It has been established that modern higher education institutions keep blogs both in the classical understanding of this phenomenon and in other forms, often calling a blog a corporate feed of news, which is provided at the level of structural units of the educational institution. To some extent, this indicates a change in these concepts, since the news feed does not support the function of comments, which is a mandatory requirement for a blog. Novelty. A conceptual scheme of the blogging components of higher educational institutions, containing an institutional, functional and effective component, is proposed. The topics of the educational blogs of the leading HEIs in Europe have been determined. Based on the research of practical education of the leading higher education institutions of Europe, it was determined that modern effective tools for the promotion of educational services and academic activity, which complement communication and assimilation of material, are also: storytelling, comics, interactive books, virtual corporate characters (mascots) of an educational brand. Practical value. The results of the study may be useful for Ukrainian HEIs promoting their brand in the market of educational services through blogging. |
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