Annotation: | Methods. In the course of study, the following methods were used: a systematic approach – to identify the components of the agricultural sector’s resilience under martial law; the method of abstraction – to identify the essential features of resilience and sustainability of the national economy; the method of analysis and synthesis – to determine the interrelationships of the components' impact in the overall context of the agricultural sector's resilience; modelling – to develop a theoretical model of the agricultural sector's resilience; induction and deduction – to formulate the study's conclusions. Results. The article identifies the essential features of sustainability and resilience of the national economy. The relationship between the components of resilience and sustainable development of the agricultural sector under martial law is characterised. It is substantiated that in order to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector during martial law, it is important to simultaneously take into account its resilience (operational adaptability) and sustainability (environmental, economic and social balance). The main components of the sustainability of the agricultural sector of Ukraine are highlighted: economic, social, environmental, international support, logistics and infrastructure, and technological innovations. It is established that ensuring the resilience of the agricultural sector requires an integrated interaction of these components, since under martial law there is a decrease in cultivated areas, damage to infrastructure, disruptions in logistics and social threats. It is emphasised that the priority of ensuring the economic and environmental resilience of the agricultural sector of Ukraine is necessary not only for its survival under martial law, but also for creating the basis for post-war recovery. It is generalised that the implementation of the circular economy concept will allow combining economic sustainability with the environmental priorities of the agricultural sector, creating conditions for sustainable recovery after the war and strengthening international competitiveness. Novelty. The article proposes a theoretical model of resilience of Ukrainian agricultural sector in the form of a pyramid, the structure of which includes economic, social, environmental, technological and managerial components. The formation of a theoretical model of resilience in the form of a pyramid is an effective approach that emphasises the hierarchical nature of the interaction of key components, each of which has a practical implementation that meets modern challenges. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by institutions in the process of developing measures that promote the stability of the agricultural sector, improve logistics, infrastructure and technological innovation, which in turn supports the effective recovery and functioning of the industry under martial law and its sustainable development after the end of the war. |
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