Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2014 №4 (48)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Innovation and market power: a study of interrelation on the telecommunication service market
Author:Pilipenko G. M.
Annotation:Mechanisms of inter-connection of product innovations and market power are analyzed based on the model of the circular city by S. Salop. It was found that the choice of the point of introduction of innovative products in the commodity space by innovator- firm is a key factor of the determination of the influence vector of the realized innovation at the level of market power characteristic of both new and existing market participants. Possible effects of exposure of innovation activity on monopoly position of firms – subjects in telecoms market are shown. 
Keywords:Product innovation, Imperfect competition, The effect of economies of scale in promoting innovation, Market power, Horizontal differentiation, Vertical differentiation, Telecommunications, S. Salop model, Market of the telecommunicational services
File of the article:EV20144_161-166.pdf
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