Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2015 №3 (51)
Section:Economic theory
Article language:English
Title:Sectoral economic structure in the context of multi-stage social-economic development of society
Authors:Pilipenko Yu. I.,
Prushkivska E. V.
Annotation:The methodological principles of sectoral structure analyses of the economy and its relationship with the stages of economic development are considered. The allocation of the growth poles, which provide, on the one hand, its own economic development of each sector, and on the other hand, the development of the national economy as a whole, is proposed in each sector. It is emphasized that the civilization development of the society is a process of progressive quantitative and qualitative changes within each of the economy sectors on the basis of the model of the «whole» and «operation». 
Keywords:Sectoral structure of the economy, Stages of society development, Civilization development, Econom- ic development, Post-industrial society
File of the article:EV20153_025-031.pdf
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