Issue: | 2015 №4 (52) |
Section: | Economic theory |
UDK: | 330.8 |
Article language: | Ukrainian |
Pages: | 45-54 |
Title: | Changes in the labour market as a factor of formation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of educational market demand |
Author: | Kuzminov S. V. |
Annotation: | The tendency to increase the exploitation of skilled labor is discussed. Hyperexploitation is seen as a redistribution of the advantages obtained by the qualified employee for the benefit of the buyer (employer). Hyperexploitation on the labour market results in the rise of quantitative characteristics of demand on the educational market with the simultaneous deterioration of qualitative characteristics. |
Keywords: | Market coordination, Labour market, Education market, Education market demand |
File of the article: | EV20154_045-054.pdf |
Abstract: | EV20154_045-054en.pdf |
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