Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2015 №4 (52)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Theoretical grounding and developing of strategic goal hrmanagement
Authors:Dovbnya S. B.,
Pysmenna O. O.
Annotation:Essence of control strategy and stages of its formation are identified. Probable alternatives of HR-goals are considered. Appropriateness of using added value rate of changing and personnel costs rate of changing ratio («balanced coefficient») as a strategic goal of a personnel management is validated. Complete composition of costs related to personnel management is identified. Prognostic level of «balanced coefficient» for PSC «EVRAZ – DMZ im. Petrovskogo» is calculated, which can be used as its strategic goal. 
Keywords:Personnel management, Strategic goal, Strategy, HR-goal, «tree of goals», Map of strategies, Labor productivity, Added value, Personnel costs
File of the article:EV20154_161-169.pdf
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