Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2016 №3 (55)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:English
Title:Sustainable development of urban systems: theoretical aspects
Author:Dudnyk A. V.
Annotation:The article deals with developing a hypothesis about correlation between a set of factors that determine the attractiveness of a territory of a city and the sustainable development of its urban system. Main trends of current development of urban systems have been analyzed. Special attention is paid to external effects estimation of worsening the environmental situation both in Ukraine and worldwide and to analysis of consequences of such deterioration. It is suggested that availability of land sites in urban areas directly proportional to their price and depends on social and economic factors as well as pollution levels and existence of pollution sources there. A methodological approach has been proposed to evaluate the availability of an urban territory for different kinds of human activities, which is based on analysis of geographical, economic, ecological, demographic, cultural and social factors and the territory’s natural resources potential estimation. 
Keywords:Sustainable development, Environmental policy, Urban systems, Urbanization
File of the article:EV20163_162-171.pdf
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