Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2016 №4 (56)
Section:Environmental management
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Substantiation of ways to improve land conservation as a factor of investment attractiveness of man-made land
Authors:Terehov Ye. V.,
Litvinov Yu. I.
Annotation:Scientific and methodical bases of pricing the lands rehabilitated in open-cast mining conditions to meet the needs of organizing their after-production market turnover. The factors that most significantly affect the change in the market value of man-made land and create conditions for the formation of their investment attractiveness are substantiated. Methodical approach to the selection of technological variants of mining-engineering stage of land rehabilitation by the criterion of land conservation level is defined. 
Keywords:Opent-ca mining, Man-made land, Land conservation, Investment attractiveness of land, Deposit development technology
File of the article:EV20164_126-133.pdf
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