Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №1 (69)
UDK:658.8 : 339.138
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Criteria model for evaluating the partnership effectiveness for the industrial enterprise
Author:Kuvaieva T. V., Dnipro University of Technology
Annotation:Methods. The results are obtained with the following methods: theoretical generalization in determining the essence of the category «marketing partnerships»; logical and analytical methods in establishing unity and difference in the strategic goals of enterprises in partnership; methods of economic analysis of enterprises in substantiating indicators of achieving the strategic goals of the partnership; standard methods of multicriteria optimization in the synthesis of a criterion for assessing the effectiveness of partnerships of industrial enterprises. Results. It was established that the participation of enterprises in a partnership may be determined by receiving several values. It is shown that there are different approaches to the systematization of these values. It was revealed that such values can be variables that affect the success of relationships, namely economic, technical, service, social benefits, as well as behavioral and strategic aspects. It is proved that for the forming of the interaction strategy of enterprises based on marketing partnerships in Ukraine, it is advisable to use several generally accepted models of motive accounting. There is justified the criteria-based model of multi-factorial assessment of the effectiveness of partnerships that take into account the goals of the enterprise through the formation of a performance assessment of the motives related to production, logistics, marketing processes, and a group of indicators that evaluate relationships. Novelty. It is established that there is differentiation and individuality of strategic objectives of enterprises participation in the partnership, which leads to the multidirectional of their activity vectors and requires a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of partnerships. Practical value. A methodological approach for evaluating the effectiveness of partnership relations of the enterprise based on achieving the target indicators of the enterprise participation in partnerships and further adjustment of the marketing strategy is proposed. 
Keywords:Partnership marketing, Partnership effectivness, Relationships, Balanced score card, Marketing values, Logistic motives, Production motives, Marketing motives, Strategic goals, Partnership, Interaction strategy
File of the article:EV20201_177-186.pdf
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