Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Development of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business in Dnepropetrovsk oblast and directions of effective organization of hotel facilities in the region
Authors:Pryimak N. S., Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky,
Nikolaichuk O. A., Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky,
Olinichenko I. V., private entrepreneur
Annotation:Methods. The results of the research carried out in the article were obtained using the following methods: analysis − to assess the development trends of the hotel and restaurant business in the region; comparisons − to determine the level of coincidence of trends in the development of the economic sphere and key indicators of the development of the region; generalizations − to identify key problems in the development of the hotel and restaurant business in the region. Results. Based on the analysis of the main indicators of the functioning of the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business of the Dnipropetrovsk oblast for 2017–2019 (the number of enterprises in the studied industry, their structure by type and scale of activity, the number of employed labor resources, the dynamics of financial results of activities and profitability) it is proved that this sphere of economic activity in the region is in a state of crisis and needs support and stimulation of its development at the strategic level. To ensure the stability of development and favorable conditions for the effective organization of hospitality enterprises, two groups of measures have been proposed, which envisage, on the one hand, the activation of the management of enterprises in this sphere, and on the other, the development of strategically oriented actions of a prolonged nature at the state and regional government level. The first group of activities will help to achieve effective organization of enterprises in this business; the second is the formation of conditions for the functioning of the hotel and restaurant business based on competition and high standards of service. Novelty. The study made it possible to identify the regional features of the functioning of the hotel and restaurant business, which were the basis for the formation of strategically oriented measures for the development of the hotel and restaurant business, taking into account the authentic needs of the region and the requirements of our time. Practical value. The obtained results of the analysis of the characteristics and results of the functioning of the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant business in the Dnipropetrovsk oblast make it possible to determine the objective state of this sphere of the region's management and use them to set up programs for the development and support of the hotel industry and restaurant business in the post-pandemic period. 
Keywords:Hotel and restaurant business, Organization of the hotel industry, Tourism, Management, Regional management, Development, Strategic programs, Efficiency
File of the article:EV20204_118-125.pdf
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