Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
UDK:658.012.32 : 62 (477)
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Cross-functional business processes at an enterprise as the basis of management innovation system in terms of strategic development
Authors:Prokhorova V. V., Ukrainian Academy of Engineering and Pedagogy,
Zalutska H. Ya., Associate Professor, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Annotation:Methods. The following methods were used: theoretical generalization – in the study of existing approaches to defining the nature, structure and types of management innovations; scientific generalization, systematization, analysis and synthesis – in outlining the possibilities and ways of applying managerial innovations in the management of diversification and integration development of enterprises in terms of neotechnological reproduction; decomposition and structural-logical analysis – in developing an approach to the formation and dissemination of managerial innovations based on cross-functional business processes. Results. The essence, types and structure of managerial innovations are considered. The conditions, prerequisites, advantages and difficulties in the development and implementation of management innovations in modern enterprises are studied. The place of managerial innovations in the management of enterprise development is determined. The expediency and necessity of using managerial innovations in the management of diversification and integration development of enterprises as one of the main incentives for its provision are substantiated. It is determined that managerial innovations provide a process of continuous innovations, which by creating long-term competitive advantages of enterprises contribute to the effectiveness of their diversification and integration development in terms of neotechnological reproduction. Novelty. There is offered an approach to the formation and dissemination of managerial innovations based on cross-functional business processes aimed at creating the effect necessary to ensure the diversification and integration development of enterprises in terms of neotechnological reproduction based on the generation of knowledge from various sciences. Practical value. The results of the study will be useful for enterprises in the formation of appropriate management influences and management effects, which are of particular importance for the rapid adoption of effective management decisions to ensure the effectiveness of diversification and integration development of enterprises in neotechnological reproduction. 
Keywords:Managerial innovation, Diversification and integration development, Neotechnological reproduction, Forced managerial innovations, Initiative managerial innovations, Managerial influence, Managerial effects, Cumulation, Knowledge generation, Creative complex of initiative ideas, Cross-functional business processes
File of the article:EV20204_146-154.pdf
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