Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Adaptive-oriented system of management of industrial enterprises on the basis of innovation: scientific and practical aspects of developing the mechanism of its formation
Author:Yukhman Ya. V., National University «Lviv Polytechnic»
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained through the use of the following methods: analysis and synthesis – to study and research the problem of forming an adaptive-oriented management system for industrial enterprises based on innovation; economic and mathematical modeling – to determine the general integral indicators of the degree of adaptive potential of industrial enterprises. Results. The article defines that rapidly changing economic conditions are characterized by the influence of negative consequences of the internal and external environment. Traditional management methods are losing their expediency, there is a need to form new adaptive-oriented systems to increase the level of development of industrial enterprises, neutralize negative impacts, be active in meeting new market needs, and the like. It is necessary to constantly analyze the activities of similar enterprises, industries, markets, etc. for adaptation in a complex uncertain environment, have great competitive value. Economic science confirms the existence of a theory according to which the economy moves in long cycles (Kondratyev waves), which arise under the influence of the innovation process. According to this theory, each breakout forms an ongoing rally, then a tipping point occurs. The problems lie in the development of innovations related to alternative energy, as well as the development of the bio- and nanotechnology industry. Accordingly, innovation technologies undoubtedly affect the development of society, the standard of living of the population, and the like. The main goal of the engineering industry is the development, design and provision of devices, machines, structures, systems and processes for the promotion, improvement, support and development of people's lives. Novelty. The article offers a meaningful characteristic of cluster associations of industrial enterprises. The types of distances for specific applications are analyzed using methods for constructing tree-like clustering. A hierarchical dendrogram of the association is built according to integral indicators of the degree of adaptive potential of industrial enterprises. Cluster associations of industrial enterprises have been identified by integral indicators of the degree of their adaptive potential. A mechanism for the formation of an adaptive-oriented management system for industrial enterprises based on innovation has been developed. Practical value. The mechanism for the formation of an adaptively-oriented management system for industrial enterprises based on innovation, based on strategic, tactical and operational orientation using innovative ideas and methods, structured into multi-level systems of interconnections based on cluster analysis, and allows industrial enterprises to produce effective adaptiveoriented management decisions, ensuring the effective development of enterprises in a dynamic economic environment. 
Keywords:Mechanism, Adaptive-oriented management system, Industrial enterprises, Cluster analysis, Development, Innovation
File of the article:EV20204_200-210.pdf
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