Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2020 №4 (72)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Management aspects of estimating the economic security of the enterprise in the conditions of the transformation economy
Author:Kovalchuk A. M., National Aviation University
Annotation:Methods. The theoretical basis is the scientific research by domestic scientists on the assessment of the economic security of an enterprise. The author used analysis and synthesis to study the stages and basic approaches to assessing the economic security of an enterprise. The study also used the general scientific methodology of synthesis, formalization and abstraction to explain the main aspects of ensuring the assessment of the economic security of an enterprise. The graphical method was used to determine factors and evaluation elements. Results. The results of the study highlight the main aspects of ensuring the assessment of the economic security of an enterprise in the context of its management in a changing environment which can be: planning for the assessment of economic security (i.e., stages of assessment), evaluation elements, factors influencing the choice of approaches for the assessment of economic security and methodological approaches that determine the model of the assessment of the economic security of an enterprise. Management of the economic security of an enterprise is based on qualitative, timely assessment of the level of economic security. Novelty. The author proposes an integrated approach to the identification of the main aspects of ensuring the assessment of the economic security of an enterprise in terms of the stages, elements and factors influencing their choice. Practical value. It has been determined that a combination of different approaches to assessing economic security will facilitate the adaptation of the system of economic security management to the rapid changes in the economy; will enable a timely response to new threats in the internal and external environment. 
Keywords:Economic security, Management of economic security, Components of economic security, Indicators, Criteria, Elements, Assessment of economic security, Prerequisites for evaluation
File of the article:EV20204_211-218.pdf
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