Annotation: | Methods. The following general scientific methods were used in the research process: abstraction, systems and evolutionary approaches – while clarifying the essence of such categories as «technical-technological system» and «technical-technological development»; logical and comparative analysis – while identifying trends in technical and technological development in the context of globalization. Results. The specifics of the systems approach and methodology of evolutionary theory are analyzed. The essence of the «routine» category is studied and the possibility of applying the methodology of evolutionary theory for the analysis of technical and technological development patterns is proved. It is defined that the technical-technological system is a set of interconnected routine processes and actions that occur during the interaction of technics, technology and a human. It is proved that technical and technological development is a change in the characteristics of technics, technology and routine, accompanied by a technological gap. Evolutionary and revolutionary forms of technical and technological development are considered. The dynamics of relative indicators of R&D expenditures in GDP and exports of high-tech products to specific countries of the world are analyzed, trends of technical and technological development in the conditions of globalization are singled out. The need of technological modernization of the domestic economy is emphasized. Novelty. The definition of such categories as «technical-technological system» and «technicaltechnological development» are improved on the basis of systems and evolutionary approaches. Practical value. The results of the study can be used in the public authorities` practice regarding the formation of innovation policy of a country. |
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