Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:International economic relations
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Institutional providing of consumption safety in the markets of EU member states
Authors:Antoniuk K. I., National University «Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic»,
Antoniuk D. A., Zaporizhzhya National University,
Mokiy A. I., SI «Institute of Regional Researches named after M.I. Dolishny NAS of Ukraine»
Annotation:Methods. The results were obtained based on the use of methods of structural-functional, statistical and comparative analysis, grouping, modeling and graphical display - for object-subject characteristics of consumption safety institutions in the EU, consideration of notifications and followups of dangerous products in EU countries, based on the RAPEX system and identification of the most active countries, goods, types of risks, causes, objects and subjects of the consumption safety system. Results. Object characteristics of consumption safety providing institutions in the EU have been identified. The geographical and commodity structure of non-food products dangerous for consumption is analyzed by comparing the number of reports by countries and groups of goods in the dynamics and identifying the most active countries and the most risky groups of goods. The typology of health risks (with the predominance of such as chemical reactions, injuries, poisoning, etc.) and further actions to eliminate them are considered. Based on the analysis of subjective characteristics of consumption protection institutions in the EU within the RAPEX operational information exchange systems and ICSMS market surveillance information and communication system, the need to intensify monitoring and forecasting of potential risks and dangers in Ukraine was substantiated, as well as the exchange of this information with other EU member states. Novelty. In the process of identifying the characteristics of consumption safety providing institutions in the EU the dualistic nature of the subject-object relationship was established. This necessitates the analysis of factors influencing consumption safety in the short and long term for the EU and Ukraine and the need to improve reactive and preventive measures in our country based on the use of best practices. Practical value. The necessity of transition to consumption securing on the basis of analysis and forecasting of potential risks and threats was substantiated, as well as the exchange of this information with other countries on the basis of mutual coordination of domestic tools with the panEuropean system RAPEX. 
Keywords:Consumption safety, Consumption safety providing institutions in the EU, Dangerous non-food products, Health risks from consumption, RAPEX, ICSMS
File of the article:EV20212_092-102.pdf
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