Annotation: | Methods. While conducting the research, the following methods were used: scientific abstraction – while determining the nature of global imbalances and forms of their manifestation; analysis and synthesis – while identifying the causes of deepening global imbalances; induction and deduction – while clarifying the nature of the impact of technics, technology and human capital on technical and technological development and the formation of technical and technological inequality of the world economy. Results. The essence of global imbalances is analyzed and the main forms of their manifestation are identified. It is substantiated that global imbalances as a deviation from the balance between the elements of the global economic system are, on the one hand, an objective condition for its development and, on the other – a source of aggravation of contradictions and a cause of crisis phenomenon in the world economy. The technical and technological unevenness of world development is characterized as a form of manifestation of global imbalances. The level and correspondence of structural elements of technical and technological system – technics, technology and human capital are allocated as factors of this unevenness. It is proved that one of the reasons of deepening both general and technical-technological inequality between the countries of the world is the change of the main drivers of development of modern economy based on knowledge, in which innovation is the driving force of development, and their sources – knowledge, education, science. It is substantiated that human capital, innovative equipment and technology are factors of knowledge-intensive economic growth and, at the same time, factors of strengthening the global imbalances of technical and technological development. Novelty. The essence of global imbalances as a deviation from the balance between the elements of the global economic system is determined and it is proved that one of their forms of manifestation is the technical and technological unevenness of the world economy. It is substantiated that human capital, innovative technics and technology, as structural elements of the technical and technological system, are factors of knowledge-intensive economic growth and, at the same time, factors of strengthening of global imbalances of technical and technological development. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by public authorities during the process of development and implementation of structural and industrial policies. |
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