Economic Bulletin of the National Mining University




Issue:2021 №2 (74)
Section:Entepreneurship and economics of enterprise
Article language:Ukrainian
Title:Components of the economic potential of machine building enterprises of variable and adaptive economic interests
Author:Tytykalo V. S., Bogomolets National Medical University
Annotation:Methods. The results of the research are obtained by applying such methods as: deduction – in singling out individual components of economic potential; systems analysis – in substantiating the relationships between the components of economic potential and the interests of machine building enterprises; general and specific – in studying the existing approaches to defining the components of economic potential of industrial enterprises. Results. It is determined that the potential of the enterprise is appropriate to consider as a unity of four dependencies: the level of implementation, the degree of use, the level of satisfaction of interests, the expediency of the existence of the unused potential. The analysis of modern approaches to the definition of the components of the economic potential of enterprises, namely, functional, resource and mixed, was carried out. The determinants of formation of the components of the economic potential of industrial enterprises are identified, and they determine the necessity of singling out separate components within the framework of research of economic potential of machine-building enterprises. The components of enterprises economic potential taking into account economic interests in conditions of formation of spatial economy are singled out: restructuring-modernization, innovation-intellectual, competent-functional, market-reproduction. The identification of these components allows us to determine the main directions of economic potential management in order to maximize the effect of enterprise's activities in the conditions of innovation and formation of spatial economy. Novelty. The article proves the interrelation of economic interests of machine-building enterprises and their development potential, and proves the necessity of taking them into account when determining the components of the economic potential of enterprises. Practical value. The selected components of the economic potential of enterprises with the account of economic interests are offered to take into account in the diagnosis of economic potential and on their basis to form a scientific-methodical approach to the analysis of the economic potential of machine-building enterprises. 
Keywords:Potential, Development, Economic potential, Components of economic potential, Enterprise, Economic interests, Spatial economy, Innovation, Determinants
File of the article:EV20212_179-187.pdf
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